Puressentiel - Joints Bath with 14 Essential Oils - 100ml
The 14 essential oils contained in Puressentiel Joints Bath have anti-inflammatory, analgesics, anti-stiffnesses and anti-swellings virtues. They are alleviating and muscle relaxant. They help release the tensions of joints and muscles, relieve the feeling of pain and stiffness and enable to find a flexibility of movements, just naturally!
Puressentiel Articulations works effectively and quickly by penetrating to skin. It releases its credits on the significant zones to treat: Pains in tha back, nape of the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, knees, ankles, feet.
Result, you feel more flexible, more relaxed, your movements are facilitated, the pain is alleviated, your body slackens, it is less aching, less rusted.
Use: Fill in your bath with water (between 35 and 37°, do not take a too hot bath), then pour the equivalent of one cap in the bath-tub. Shake to spread well. Do not pour in an empty bath-tub because of the high percentage of essential oils. Once bath is finished, do not rinse yourself.
Ingredients: Active Ingredients : 20% d'huiles essentielles : Cajeput, Camomille romaine, Clou de Girofle, Eucalyptus, Gaulthérie couchée, Genévrier, Lavandin, Marjolaine, Menthe poivrée, Niaouli, Pin, Romarin, Sassafras, Térébenthine.