Puressentiel - Respiratory Inhaler with 19 Essential Oils - 1ml
The Respiratory Inhaler Puressentiel with 19 Essential Oils is a natural "anti-chill" and anti-allergy product with decongestant, purifying, antibacterial, antiviral and soothing properties.
To breathe health!
Use: - Take the inhaler to the entry of the nostril, plug the other nostril and inhale deeply the aroma of essential oils by taking three deep breaths.
- Repeat with the other nostril just the same way.
- Do not exceed 5 times per day.
Not recommended for children under 7 years-old, pregnant or breast-feeding women, persons allergic to any of its ingredient. Keep out of the reach of children - Do not take internally - Extarnal use.
Indication : Decongestant, purifying, antibacterial, antiviral and soothing inhaler.
Ingredients: Anis, Bay St Thomas, Cajeput, Citron, Clou de Girofle, Cyprès, Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus radiata, Lavande aspic, Lavandin grosso, Menthe poivrée, Niaouli, Origan, Pin Sylvestre, Ravintsara, Romarin à cinéol, Sauge officinale, Tea Tree, Thym.